L3 Internship

I did my six-week L3 internship in the ODYSSEY team at Inria Rennes, under the supervision of Louis Thiry.

I worked on a Python/PyTorch implementation of a geometric multigrid solver for elliptic equations, such as Poisson and Helmholtz-like equations.

See the Internship report [PDF] or the slides.


M1 Internship

I did my 12-week M1 internship at the DSB group at the Department of Informatics (IFI) of the University of Oslo, supervised by Gabor Geréb.

M1 Project

I did a master project under the supervision of Romaric Gaudel in the LACODAM team (Inria Rennes) and worked on DNA strand consensus by diagonalization of Ha...

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L3 Internship

I did my six-week L3 internship in the ODYSSEY team at Inria Rennes, under the supervision of Louis Thiry.

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