M1 Project

I did a master project under the supervision of Romaric Gaudel in the LACODAM team (Inria Rennes) and worked on DNA strand consensus by diagonalization of Hankel matrices. See the project report (in French).


M1 Internship

I did my 12-week M1 internship at the DSB group at the Department of Informatics (IFI) of the University of Oslo, supervised by Gabor Geréb.

M1 Project

I did a master project under the supervision of Romaric Gaudel in the LACODAM team (Inria Rennes) and worked on DNA strand consensus by diagonalization of Ha...

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L3 Internship

I did my six-week L3 internship in the ODYSSEY team at Inria Rennes, under the supervision of Louis Thiry.

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